Meet this guy, Kendall. Hard work, perseverance and trust in the Lord has brought him to where he is today. Have your ever needed a videographer for a short and sweet video clip for your (small or large) businesses website? Yup, me too! Short video clips can do wonders on your buisness and creates more engagement as well as profit. I am going to explain to you 5 reasons why a using a Videographer/Musician within your business website will help!
Let’s be real, no one wants a potential client to click the “back button” or exit out of your web page within seconds of arriving. My number one reason to use a video clip from a videographer on your website, is that it KEEPS your potential clients ON your website! Can I stress how important this is?! It takes a person 6 seconds while on your page to decide if they will continue to read, or exit out. A video is something new and interesting that will capture- and hold– attention. It will then give the viewer a better understanding of your brand’s personality and what you stand for. A video, also has the potential to entice your viewer to keep reading on your web page. After all, the emotional connection is one of the reasons that keeps customers coming back.
The second thing you will walk away by using a videographer/musician is to have that sense of professional “editorial-ness.” Yup, pretty sure that’s not a word, but your get my drift! Creating professionalism on your web page (of course along with fun and who you’re really all about) gives your potential clients that sense of relief to know that they are hiring someone who actually knows how to do their job! And isn’t this a big part of it!? There are SO MANY entrepreneurs who are killing it in their businesses. A expert at being that expert! They have worked so hard to be so incredible. Can you imagine if you have worked your little tail off for so many years and then not received the business that you worked so hard for? All because the business’ website was lacking. Yup, totally hear you, been there. A little pizzazz with video and music can do amazing things in keeping your viewer on your website and thus increasing your business sales, services or whatever you are offering.
Another thing you will get with video is…wait for it… a better Google ranking! Can we all agree on how annoying Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is?! Carefully curating our content to appease Google is far from what we all have the time for in our Businesses! But, it does help to not to be on the 250th page of a potential client’s google search. By including a video or short clip into our sites can automatically (Yes you heard it…WITHOUT TRYING) raise you up on the search. One of the factors of Google algorithm for search rankings is how long visitors stay on your website. The idea is that if people are spending a lot of time on your website, it must be quality content, so your ranking gets bumped up.
Here’s another one! The list really does go on, but have you ever thought about the power that a video testimonial could hold? Testimonials are an amazing part of a website because your are hearing reviews from other, REAL people. Many people are leery with sales pitches these days, let’s be real, there are so many are dishonest sellers out there. Quite frankly it makes me sick. How much better would it be to hear a testimonial of a good or service from someone else…better yet…HEAR their voice and look them in the eye while they’re doing so! Depending on your type of business, this one could be a deal breaker! Its personable, real, and creates that transparency that everyone is looking for!
Last but not least, make yourself stand out from your competitors! I mean isn’t this our major goal? What better way to stand out than with video! There is one thing to remember. An amazing photographer once said, “Perception isn’t realty. It’s the ONLY reality.” When a potential client who has no idea who you are, takes a peak at your website this is their ONLY reality of who you are and what you are capable of. Let that sink in for a minute. This most often is the deal breaker whether a client reaches out for goods or services. That being said, you want to showcase who you are, and doing it through video will make you stand out amongst the other fish in sea!
My buddy Kendall here has made many of these dreams come true for so many business owners! Loyalty and devotion to the church with his music and video, (where all of his magic began), has brought Kendall to where he is today: serving the “Underdogs.” Kendall’s gift of creating original music and unique video compositions has flowed through him touching so many of the underdogs out there. The “underdogs” are those people or businesses who are more than deserving of a chance to rise up in their business when otherwise would not have had an opportunity or experience like this! My friend Kendall here is amazing at what he does. This Christian man’s videos and commercials are mind blowing!! Well, there you have it, 5 reasons to use a Videographer/Musician!
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