For such a FREEZING evening, it was such a DREAMY one with the sunset in downtown Stillwater for Brent and Felicia’s engagement portraits! The energy these two puts out there makes such an impact on the rest of the world. I don’t know if they noticed all of the genuine ear to ear smiles and the sweet “Awes” from passer-byres….. because I definitely noticed!
The twinkles in their eyes was a good reminder as to what true love is! The love they have for one another was DEFINATELY shinning today from the gracious way Brent took her hand into The Lora Hotel, and just how caring and observative Felicia was to her Texan, warm-weathered man (not jealous..haha ok totally was!) as they strolled down the sidewalk next to the dreAMMY reflective river! ❤️ But one thing that stood out to me about these two was just how laid back, happy, grateful, and carefree they were!
Thank you Brent and Felicia for showing me your amazingness, this is why I love being a photographer! Your wedding will be one to remember! CONGRATS!!!